What to do when…

-people are posting junk on the internet

-you feel hot and angry

-your inclination is to engage and rebut


-You don’t have to say anything

-Test the spirits (1 John 4)–this is your ACTION.

Is the person posting like a tree, planted, bearing fruit like joy, peace, and patience?
Is this a person walking in the counsel of the wicked? (Psalm 1 and Galatians 5)

-remember you have something that is more valuable than precious gold

-don’t throw your pearls at pigs, don’t give what is holy to dogs. Otherwise they will trample them and then attack YOU. (Matthew 7)

-If they claim to be a Jesus follower, remember that Jesus said this ^

-He also said “if they hated me, they will hate you.” (John 15)

-Jesus did other things besides talk because He knew actions speak loudly.

-Wicked people/false prophets are loquacious and love to hear themselves talk.

-They love to argue.

-Did Jesus love to argue?

-Are you talking more than doing?

-Remember your job: to love your God and to love your neighbor as yourself.

-Who is old, who is young, who is being ignored in society? Is it your kids? Is it your neighbors? Is it the Amazon delivery gal? Go love them.

-Love them sacrificially, where it costs you something. Your job, your food, your time.

-You’ll find satisfaction.

-Keep it between you and Jesus

-You will sleep better at night.

-You will be planted like a tree, not crumbling when the wind bends your branches. 

-You’ll bear fruit like joy, peace, and patience.

-The world is falling apart

-YOU don’t have to.


If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer. Proverbs 9:12

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