Homeschool, we meet again.

Well, hello, homeschool. Hoped I’d never see you again, but here you are, butting into my spring plans.
I think it’s sort of odd how reassuring the kindly ones are trying to be, urging us all to cozy up and drink in the satisfaction that comes with staying home with small children. Don’t sniff and call me insensitive–I love kids. I mean, I love kids. And believe it or not, I know exactly how to get cozy when necessary. I know how to read in a goofy voice, I know how to belt out Elsa songs at the top of my lungs and dance in my socks, I know how to bake bread and plant seeds with busy little hands. It’s my favorite pasttime.

But I also know that homeschool is not public school, nor is it an easy transition. Beyond that, most of us public schoolers haven’t been given free reign on the curriculum. Our schools, in fact are insisting on following regular, mandatory lesson plans. This makes relaxing difficult, with deadlines and technology and a looming sense of doom (thanks again, CNN).
Did I mention I love children? I really do. In fact, I like to think I have the gifts of patience and kindness, a special understanding and compassion for kids. A lot of people don’t. Many young parents these days struggle a lot more than me in the keeping-our-junk-together arena, and I’m not just about potentially getting laid off, finding childcare, putting food on the table, and washing of hands.

What I’m trying to say is this: nothing is harder than raising kids. Right now, parents are being asked to do more “raising” than they ever have. No childcare options. Safe, reliable academic spaces have been closed for the season. We are beyond preaching on responsible parenting–if folks haven’t figured out how to put their cellphones down by now and pay attention to the needs of their kids, it is too late.

Advising moms and dads who already know how to love their kids, are well-practiced with homework routines, can foresee a train wreck and calmly prescribe popcorn and some Netflix on the couch? Please. Please. Save your prayers for someone who needs them.

The families who could truly use help are not going to walk away from an encouraging Facebook post, chin held high, ready to conquer online learning with a suddenly cooperative kid. Children who have been suckling an iPad from the age of six months are not going to willingly to school from the kitchen table. Mothers who have depended on full-time childcare are not going to cuddle their babies on the couch because they are relieved they have lost their daily income. Latchkey kids are not going to suddenly forgo hours of video games in favor of Google classroom.
And then, if you will, consider the teachers. Teachers who love their students, teachers who know which students could use a Friday food backpack to get through the weekend. Teachers with students who live in cars parked down by the city trail. Teachers who, day in and day out, serve kids with reading struggles, autism, and physical needs. They must stay vigilant, ever aware (thanks to Google classroom and other apps) of the kids who won’t read a single page over this four to eight week remote learning experiment.

Did I mention people might get sick?
This is a stress wrecking ball. Please don’t water it down to something as simple as enjoy your kids even if most of us will–hopefully.

We are moms and dads. We are teachers. We can do school at home because we love our kids. We can learn to love them better. And we can even do what is harder. It’s not too late, and now is as good of a time to start as any.

It has always helped me to get through a hard time by doing two things: Naming what I am thankful for, and challenging myself to prove what I’m made of.

Today I am thankful for a neighbor who brought me milk after GK busted our last jug all over her princess dress and the kitchen floor. I’m thankful for the internet and teachers who check in on me and the boys. I’m thankful for a curriculum that I never had to cobble together myself; I’m thankful for deadlines. My husband’s job that is still paying him. Food in my freezer. Peanut butter. Music. A new moleskin notebook from a friend, plus three black pens. Six reams of printing paper for drawing. Seventy degrees and sunshine. A kite.

I’m challenging myself by eliminating things that distract me. I’ve been weeding out social media for some time now, and after reading a couple books (Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport, and Faith for Exiles, David Kinnaman), I think I’m ready to nix it all. The last time I homeschooled, I wrote a book in the evenings (you could read it in isolation!). Not because I wasn’t tired, but because I needed an outlet. I needed something to separate my feeling of going insane so that I didn’t lose my mind. White space–that’s what I was making. A zone of protection.
I’m going to try to not fall asleep during Last Jedi, even though I don’t give a rip. I’m going to pay attention so the kids think I actually understand the storyline even though I don’t.
I thought I’d get a cartoon going in order to maintain sanity and encourage my cartoon-loving kids to put their dang books down and start drawing. I will be posting them here for fun, not because I’m an especially great artist.

I honestly hope they call off school–like, all of it–and make this an early summer where we will return in July or some semblance of an early fall school year. I’m not sure I have what it takes to homeschool/online school/public-school-at-home-with-my kids. Let’s be real–I’m sure most of us don’t.

Until then, what are you thankful for? Keep the list going.
What are you made of? (Share your challenge, maybe I’ll add it to my list, too!)

Keep running the race.

I am not a runner, per say. An emboldened walker, is more like. I put the gentle leader on the dog, attach it to the leash, and sometimes break a ten-minute mile. Once in a while I amp up my pace and mileage because I’ve signed up for a race. I need to prove to my own body that I’m still in control. Likewise, I want it to reassure me–it’s still pumping blood, moving oxygen, responding with all vitality. In this way, I’m testing what is good and what is rubbish and where I need to consider pacing myself, when I need to rest, if I need better nourishment.

It’s fascinating to me that spiritual testing is really no different. An intimate conversation between our body and mind parallels the trials we are faced in the presence of God. He never wills that we break, only become stronger and more in tune with Himself. Do I need to take a different route? Should I challenge myself to do more hills, stretch my way of thinking? How do I increase my dependence on Him and focus less on myself? Is it time to get rid of old habits, overhaul my current alimentation?

I wonder about the stamina God is working to produce in my life. In a running race–for me, at least–there is a slog that hits about ¾ of the way through, where I wonder if I can finish strong. I’m never sure I am cut out for this. I probably shouldn’t have even signed up and paid the entry fee in the first place. Who do I think I am, this weekend warrior body who jogs with Taylor Swift in my ears and a mutt panting happily alongside me? The doubt creeps in, the weariness–always at three-quarters to the finish line. I shouldn’t be here. I didn’t train enough for this kind of thing.

Running with endurance has always intrigued me. I love its simplicity–nothing more than a body in forward motion–how easily it translates to faith over the long haul. Exercising those muscles built from pounding, pounding, pounding. Stress plus patience produces something amazing–resilience. It isn’t any wonder that after a person is in good physical shape they begin to look forward to the routine pounding just to assure themselves they are fit for the challenge. They don’t want to grow weary when it counts, so they commit themselves to the habitual burn. And they find there is a byproduct–endorphins. Pure joy in the sweat. Hope of overcoming. Signs of change.

There are things I have unknowingly signed up for in my own life that have turned into races. Stuff that depends on the continual exercise of faith even though it would be easier to lay on the couch and pretend like I’m not really in a race. Marriage, kids, work, school, mental health, community relationships. I need to stay in shape, need to keep my eyes on the prize, or I won’t be able to finish strong. I might not even finish at all if I avoid the training.

I was thinking about this the other night as I watched the BBC report from Idlib, Syria. I cannot relate to refugees there, folks who have spent a decade dodging bombs and trying to stay fed and warm. This winter has been one of the harshest for those poor people, parents watching as their babies freeze to death, nothing to shelter their heads or fill their bellies. Children collect trash to burn; mothers and fathers plead for help. I cannot even fathom the horror of it. It makes me physically sick.The world turns their back and ignores them, too busy buying up all the toilet paper and antibacterial soap for themselves.
We are lying if we are Me Too people. We are Me First people. Me, me, me.
I stay awake at night over the disparity of it.

But I am convinced we must stare it in the face, and we must stare it down closer to home, too. It is part of the pounding. We can’t let ourselves be comfortable with suffering; we must draw near to the source and partake in the pain if we plan on making it to the finish line. We are fooling ourselves to think we can remain unaffected and coast our way over injury and death. Our money, status, birthright, righteousness, face masks–whatever it is that we hope will save us in tragedy is a major stumbling block to our faith race. We must hone in on suffering; even welcome it. 

As a family, we have tried to intentionally move into such a space where suffering and the nitty-gritty of life splashes up on our own boots. We sponsor several children in other countries, and though I am convinced this is the most tangible way to reach beyond our borders, we know it isn’t the only thing we can do. 

We have moved to a community of rainbow-colored, blue-collared, English language learners, the elderly, the lonely. We plugged into our neighborhood and school and seek out opportunities to elevate others. Education, housing, encouragement. We look at our bank account and wonder how close we–the rich American neighbors–can scrape the bottom and stay in the race. 

Having built relationships with people who are poor and struggling, we are coming to humbly realize it is very little about what we have to offer. They, after all, are the elite runners. These are the examples we are to behold and lift up with dignity and respect. They are coaching us on how to run with endurance.
The farm laborers in Haiti with eleven kids. The ruddy-faced little girl in the mountains of Peru, raising guinea pigs and corn for her family to eat. The teenagers who take their little siblings to the park and share their Mountain Dew. The single dad with four boys in an apartment down the street. The newly immigrated, the brave kids who show up to school scared. The moms who let go of their child’s hand and jet off to work at the nail salon or dry cleaners. Teachers with a small salary, charged with the responsibility of educating kids who cannot understand the language or whose parents are in prison. Brothers and sisters starving in Syria.
Elite athletes, all of them. What have I to offer? No.

Me too–please, Lord, give us this privilege. Show us suffering and let us partake. Strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees (Hebrews 12:12).

How can these pro athletes teach me to keep my eyes on the prize? This is the value in holding their hand. What we offer is no answer to their trials–we alone have no balm for a weary soul. All we can do is encourage them to stay in the race because the prize at the end will be worth it. Our job is to keep talking about the Prize. To not grow weary in doing good, to not give up (Galatians 6:9). To not worry and fret like other people, people without hope (Ephesians 2:12).

We depend on one another to holler encouragement and ring cowbells. We do not just bump elbows, wave from afar, or ignore the fact there is a race going on. We have to link arms and push each other to the finish, and my weak self needs as much coaching as a person can get.

I wonder if we aren’t a bunch of bleeding hearts, worked up over the entertainment value of sob stories and various horrors regarding our planet and the people on it. Something to talk about over the water cooler, something to text our best friend about, something to turn into a meme. Something to scare us into doing nothing or hoarding security to ourselves. We need practical reminders we are in a race.
I have a smart watch that alerts me, when my heart rate dips, to Move! It buzzes and lights up and I immediately curse it. What right does it have to tell me to get moving? I still keep the darn thing strapped to my wrist. I think God’s Word is the same–we must keep it strapped to our heart, let it buzz our conscience, tell us to move.

We are racing to the end, people in front and people behind us.
Keep moving, feel the habitual burn. It is building resilience, hope, joy.

Mikiyas and the Cure

I can’t tell you how fast I tear open my mail in the mornings. My mailman is a late-arriver, and typically I don’t get my Monday mail until I’ve walked the kids to school on Tuesday morning.

Today I flipped through envelopes and found a letter from one of our dear sponsored kids in Ethiopia. His name is Mikiyas, and he is tall and gangly like my own boys. I love this kid. I love seeing pictures of him and wondering about every bit of his life. Does he feed his chickens before he heads off to school in the mornings? Does his grandma fix him a bowl of cereal and chide him to get out the door before he’s late? My heart longs to meet him before he is a man.

There was a picture inside, the first I’ve ever seen of his flashing white smile. He is standing in front of a bed with an orange and blue flowery bedspread. It has been pushed up against a corrugated tin wall. In front of Mikiyas is a load of grain–easily a hundred pounds of it–a jug of oil, and a brand new blanket wrapped in plastic.

I have noticed a trend over the past several years, one of indignance over a “white savior” mentality. I’ve really thought about this, because, of course, I am white. I wonder what part I play in perpetuating some sense of privilege and unfairness.  I truly love Mikiyas, but the fact is that I’ve been born into a place where my advantage is to his advantage, if I play the cards right.

I’ve also seen a trend just in the past few weeks over folks freaking out about coronavirus. I’ve thought about this, too, because there is a massive pile of Costco goods in my basement lying in preparation for the moment we might need forty pounds of rice, two gallons of maple syrup, and enough pancake mix to feed the neighborhood should we all be quarantined. 

We are scared people, and easily spooked. We worry about overextending ourselves, giving too much, giving too little, appearing overly sensitive, appearing properly concerned. We think a lot about how our actions are perceived, whom we’ve offended, how seriously we are taken. On the flip end, we think it is our absolute responsibility to prepare for the worst. We frantically drive to the store and fight over that last loaf of bread, the last jug of milk. We–who have hardly ever missed a meal in our lives–worry there might not be enough. 

We live in a nation of plenty, but confronted with potential, visible danger, we brood over the scarcity of things and our absolute, complete reliance on the local grocer. We are all incredibly self-obsessed.

Every time I fly on an airplane and am lucky enough to score a window seat, I slide up the shade and peer down at the earth below. Usually I’m flying across Kansas. It’s amazing to be high above it all. I look down and the towns are maybe an inch long, a cluster of trees and buildings the size of Monopoly pieces. Nearer to Kansas City, there are bigger homes–little Monopoly motel-sized buildings–arranged in circles, sometimes with a small blue square, a pool, in the back. From a 10,000 foot perspective, all of humanity is made up of clusters, people huddling together in itty bitty communities with hundreds of miles until the next town, connected via tiny floss roads. Rivers twist like veins, farmers’ crops are small squares with perfect circles inside. 

I don’t think about individuals, because it’s impossible to see a human being from this high up. I don’t think about the “white saviors” below me, living in their tiny mansions. I don’t think about the street people, the hungry folks sitting on the curbs, or the illiterate kids in impoverished schools, soon to go home to cold, empty houses.

I actually think about how big God must be, how infinite. How patient and loving He must be to plant us like seeds in the dirt, little imitations of Himself. Glory on the ground, when we let Him use us.  And yet the fears that bubble up in our pea-sized minds threaten to drown us and our whole world. The worries that we aren’t doing things exactly right, or this notion of inequality…Boy, is gravity an equalizer. Humanity links us all.

The coronavirus is singlehandedly causing a financial crisis before it has barely landed in the U.S. We queue up at Costco, our carts stacked full, fearing the worst. Fearing death.

Overnight, a tornado popped up out of nowhere and wrecked parts of Tennessee. According to the news, 180 people were either killed or hurt and sent to the hospital last night. They had no warning. 

And there is Mikiyas, smiling. One of the worst locust swarms in recent East African history is methodically stripping all the crops and threatening food security in Ethiopia, and there is Mikiyas grinning in his tin house, enough to make a fool of my preoccupations.

We live day to day, just like Mikayas, but the difference is this: Mikiyas knows it. We refuse to recognize it. We don’t like our lips to confess that life is fragile. We don’t want to acknowledge diseases that cannot be stopped, a world that is filled with famine and disaster.

We’d rather live like gods, pretending our Monopoly-sized houses are sturdier than his little tin home. Costco will save us, and if not her, our local hospitals and well-spoken politicians.

It is funny how we rely on other people to tell us how to feel. I am thankful for the frequent letters in the mail that remind me how to think.
Mikiyas smiles, he flashes glory.
And I remember the God who loves and takes care of him is the God who loves and takes care of me.

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or gather into barns–and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?    Matt. 6:25-26

We will not fear, though the earth gives way…        Psalm 46:2


Is child sponsorship for you? Yes, yes, a million yeses! Open your mind to what the Lord is doing in the world by building relationships with kids in need. Go to Compassion or World Vision and check it out.