When You’re Unsure About What to do Next

Winter break ends tomorrow, and we are all counting the hours. The boys miss school– the structure, the camaraderie, the sense of purpose. School sparks a love of learning and doing that no amount of reading Garfield comics can elicit. When I homeschooled, the lines got blurred. I counted some days on break as homeschool, because I wanted to beef up academically. After all, if a child’s play is his work, then he’s doing double duty and I ought to record it, no? If we turn the Legos into a car propelled by a balloon, we can fill in a block of science, so why wouldn’t I? Instead of “Please stop reading comics aloud, I’m trying to think!” it was “Please read Garfield aloud so we can test your reading comprehension.” Reading is reading, and who would ever stop a kid from reading? (Answer: Only a mother who is about to lose her mind.) Then the real world called and reminded me I was doing them no favors.

Boundaries–those at school and at home–are actually tools for expansion and growth, not a fence to hoard everything inside. It’s better to have a bird’s eye view of the property than one standing on my tiptoes, straining to see what’s over the fence.

The kids, post holiday, are bored with home life and ready to jump back into the arena. Luke, who I had to bribe to try the school lunch three months ago, said, “I can’t wait for pizza day. Boy, I hope we get homework.” It’s only been two weeks, and I surely sound sappy (maybe because we didn’t have extended family visit for Christmas)–but we’re anxious to see our friends again.

I can feel the eye rolls of the righteous. I sing the public school love song not because I’m in love with the system but because I know that stepping out in faith is my very best offering to Christ. I’ve cast my bread out on the water and it has returned to me. My children haven’t suffered, the result of pack mentality. There is so much beauty in knowing and being known. The teachers are the cream of the crop. They are in it because they love kids and no paycheck offers satisfaction like pointing students down the path to success. They are the first to rejoice when skills improve and they are the first to worry when the absences pile up unexplained.

Last week I was presented with a new school-related opportunity. The email landed in my inbox with fireworks–Check out these test scores! Your kid qualifies! Don’t miss the boat!

It would change our direction and put the kids in what would be called a “better” school. “Better”–supposedly more academically challenging for my under-academically-challenged kid. I feel like it’s a dilemma even if common sense would tell me it’s a no-brainer. I’m world-weary. Must we always be chasing the highest route?

Lots of times I’ve been consoled by someone with, “Well, you’ve got to do what’s right for your family/what’s best for your kids.”

But what if my idea of right or best isn’t God’s idea of what’s right or best?

Usually my idea amounts to pouring energy into my own affairs. Controlling my future, securing my assets. A lot of times I want to barter with Him because I hate risk. Loss. Failure. Disappointment. In fact God, don’t worry about me. I’ll use my job, money, health, youth, looks, influence, reasoning, mental muscle and I’ll just brace up this whole system. You know I’m a hard worker. I have enough willpower and motivation for it to be a straight path to success.

What a fool I am to think I’ve got it under control! He can see farther into the future than I. In my mind, if I just stick to what I know, keep my kids away from troublemakers, I’ve got a great shot at things turning out. But Jesus laid out his perspective on things: “In this world you will have trouble,” He promised (John 16:33). It isn’t my job to figure out how to skirt problems. He already knows what I don’t. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He promises to walk in it with me.  

While I’m secretly fretting about middle school and potential teenage nastiness, He’s already got it planned–He knows the roadblocks that will ultimately change my little bookworm boys into men of outstanding character.

Finally, if I’m doing what is right and best, sticking to what has always been safest, where does my self and family idolatry end? Also–where’s the adventure?

His ways are ultimately way better than mine. Yes, I trust you Lord, even with my kids. If we know anything about Jesus, it is that He doesn’t play the game of Life like we do. His economy, his calendar is not like ours. We try to be wise, and we think being wise looks like staying on the beaten path, the historically proven course. The college path over career, a couple kids, retirement. But He doesn’t look down from Heaven and see jagged cliffs and dead ends when we move to another city, quit college, take a different job, have ten kids, or enroll our kids in school. Better stay on the right path, Pearl! Don’t blow it!

No, the wise person trusts Him, and His assurance is this:

He will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is fixed on Him; because he trusts in Him.

Isaiah 26:3

I say this with great reverence: He is a benevolent GPS, redirecting our course when we miss the left turn. He is a good Shepherd, lighting our path as we walk around in freedom. He can turn bad things into good. He straightens out the curves. He is the Light, the only way to see clearly in the dark.

Our God isn’t a great cosmic couch potato with a remote in His hand, waiting to zap us. No, we trust He is good, that He is love, and that His love is being poured out on us when we are uncertain about our future. This is our worship, to fix our minds on Him, to trust Him. He points us to the eternal, and it’s just a few stepping stones away.

party manners

Before Christmas we had a little party for our newest seven year old. I’m terrible at parties, if you want to know the truth. I don’t bother with decorations and I don’t plan things around my unpredictable children. This doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good party, it just means my kids won’t have the pleasure of cone shaped hats, noisemakers, or a Paw Patrol/Moana theme. Forget favors and personalized cake; I can’t waste time dreaming up the cute stuff. I have to clean the bathroom and make a plan to keep boys from trying to impress guests (the number one reason kids get hurt). RSVPs are never necessary because I don’t send out invitations until two hours before. Our optimal, preferred party guest has no time to buy a gift. They must be able to show up with zero advanced notice and know how to thaw a shrimp ring in my kitchen sink.

I’m not getting any better at planning things, either. One time, moments before guests arrived, I dumped a container of frozen meatballs into a pot of chili (no questions, please). I was still fishing them out when the doorbell rang. I’ve served tamales still frozen. Apple pie, underbaked. Cookies, burnt. I’ve spilled an entire tub of spinach artichoke dip upside down on the floor just trying to get it from fridge to counter. These were all due to terrible time management skills with which I am cursed.

I used to feel guilty, that maybe this meant I didn’t deserve to have people at my house.  And we don’t have family in the area–shouldn’t I try a little harder to make birthdays special for my kids? At least invite all their school buddies? Plan a two-hour gymnastics romp and pizza at the local rec center? I’ve been to parties like that before–my kids beg for it. Parents drop their kids off and return to pick them up, sugar buzzed and exhausted, just another Saturday afternoon. I never wanted to host a party like that, perhaps because I’m terrified of being in charge of a ton of kids.

That’s what I told myself, and it’s partly true. But secretly I think it’s because I’m not sure it’s a worthy investment. Sure, my kids enjoy the attention and gifts, but what I really am after is an opportunity to welcome people into our life. I mean, how many birthday parties could I throw with balloons and cake and never truly interact with any of the guests? Four kids times twelve birthdays a piece (I’ll give them till they’re twelve to tire of the rec center fun), that’s somewhere near fifty parties! That’s one hundred hours of party time, not counting the planning (which I guess I can’t count anyway, not with my record). All it would make me is tired and glad for it to be over.

How can I lower the bar on celebrations without a) disappointing my kids and b) wasting less time and money? A quandary for the cheap introvert, no?

I have chosen to blaze a path anyhow into that dense forest of kid birthday parties. Expectations be danged.  I’m unprepared like Tom Hanks on an island with a beachball, but I’m game for a good time. The first thing we did was make it clear to the kids that a couple of friends are welcome to celebrate their special day, but it’ll have to happen at home. And the neighbors must always be number one on the guest list. My boys are used to my spur of the moment ways and are quick to scribble invitations to pass out door-to-door.

Surprisingly, my lame-o party ways are successful in the most fascinating way. My sub par social skills have made it easy for me to stay home and entertain on the fly. Most people that have it all together won’t commit to such a low brow party. They already have their weekends and evenings planned out. At our parties, the most intriguing mix of folks show up. Usually it is neighbors and families we have met at school, random strangers we meet at a park. They come for the food and company and stay. No grownups drop their children off and dash away for a quick date. Nope. They re-warm tamales in my microwave and rifle through the cabinets, looking for a fresh trash bag liner. They pour drinks. I’m sure they entertain jokes at my amateur party planning, but they never say it out loud. They throw their hands up in the air at my frozen shrimp conundrum and pop it in the microwave.

There are lonely people out there. Some live right next door to us. At our party I heard one elderly neighbor say to another, “Well now, I believe we’ve lived across the street from one another for forty year and we’ve never met.” Forty years!
A Vietnamese couple confided that it’s hard making friends with Americans–it’s so unlikely to be invited into their homes and families.

I want it to change; I want there to be fewer lonely people. We have a home, and at least one bathroom will be clean. We have a family, not a perfect one–my boys are crazy maniacs. Even little sister (she’s two) hollers “stop being wild!” as they invite guests to participate in head first races on a baby bed mattress down the basement stairs.

We’re energetic and friendly. We’re eager to share whatever we’ve got. Maybe that’s as good a reason to have a party as any.

New Year’s Eve

Happy cold, snowy New Year’s Eve! I’m going to take a wild guess that the thirty and above crowd is safe at home eating lasagna and/or leftover popcorn from a tin and checking Facebook, watching football, or playing Catan. We might be soaking dried black eyed peas for tomorrow if we are the planning, sentimental type. More likely we are hoping there’s a can of orange rolls in the fridge to bake in the morning as some sort of cheap holiday “brunch” offering. A back-up plan for the holiday no one plans. Most of us aren’t crazy enough to stay up till midnight for the fleeting gratification of welcoming the baby new year. We know good and well we will pay for that lost sleep tomorrow, even as 4:30pm ushers in darkness and five more hours with under-exercised children and pets.

I’ll give it a go, though, because I’ve been sleeping through the night for several months. We’re on the tentative exit ramp from the infant interstate. I’m clear headed enough to remember the past year and hopeful enough to face forward. So here are some final thoughts in 2018. I’ll try to corral them before midnight.

We went on a vacation for the first time ever this year. It wasn’t well-planned. I bought plane tickets before we even had passports. I should’ve brushed up on my Spanish. All that aside, we had fun and didn’t work for a straight week. It’s good to see the world again when you’ve been home raising kids.

We sold a house, moved out, bought a house in another city, moved in. This all happened in June. We went from a town with three gas stations to a city with Target, Costco, and thirty Mexican restaurants two minutes away from our house. My life is so convenient I can’t believe it.

I think my kids are growing up. They play air hockey and smell gross, something I don’t see going away for awhile. But they’re also fantastic and play Rack-o and dance party with me. A couple of them can get their clothes on by themselves. We go through pounds of chicken nuggets and gallons of ketchup. They like to argue; I hope they don’t get that from me. If I were to make a pie chart describing how they spend their time, half or more would be marked “fighting”, but maybe it’s a boy thing. Tonight before I put them to bed (no way would I let them stay up till midnight) I tried to, per usual, turn their days’ trouble into a heart lesson. So I read them 2 Samuel 10, which is a story about a misunderstanding between two kingdoms that led to beards and pants getting cut off and eventually forty thousand soldiers getting killed. I’m trying to do my best.

Things that impress me about my kids (versus bragging):

Musicality. They can tune any instrument without a tuner.

Ball maze dexterity.

Kindness (outside of the brotherhood relationship). Ha.

Tap dance skills.

I’m contemplating a word for 2019. It seems like a popular thing to do, but as you probably have gathered by now, I’m wary of popular things. You know what else is popular? Enneagram. I, being a 5 and not knowing it, researched into the whole model of personality types and came to the conclusion that it is completely accurate. It’s also completely self-absorbing, so if you are into that whole “mm-hm, mm-hm…now let’s talk about me” dialogue, then you should buy the book, pay for the test, and start diagnosing yourself immediately. It’s fun to the point that no one really cares about you as much as you.

But back to the word of the year (and me. lol). I really admire words like generous and patient but I’m not bold enough to stick them on my chest like I know what I’m doing. In the past I’ve focused on trying to not complain, be more grateful, less judgy–at least all these things that make me appear to be a good person in front of my children. But really the only hope I have is the promise that God is still working on me. And He aims to conform me to the likeness of his Son, Jesus (Romans 8:29).

So I’m thinking my word of 2019–or perhaps the rest of my life–will be conform.

Conform. Can you believe it? It sounds like such a boxed-in, rigid word, not exactly suited to a life of freedom. But being conformed to the likeness of Christ is my only hope for joy and transformation. It is freedom.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Moving on to podcasts. These seem like a nutso phenomenon, as if talk radio, ESPN, Dave Ramsey and Dr. Dobson weren’t sufficient. As if Sirius and XM radio, Delilah, all the audiobooks in the world and our entire cassette tape and CD collection weren’t enough to fill our ears. We need more, don’t we? But I listen to kids spout off a hundred Pokemon facts a day. I feel like less is more.

There are podcasts that discuss pop culture. Enneagram. Child rearing. How to make passive income, how to get out of debt. How to gain an Instagram following. How to become an influencer via social media. I happened upon this last podcast this year. I was a little shocked.

Do you know what an influencer is? By definition it is someone who has the ability to persuade other people “by virtue of their authenticity and reach.”

This is preposterous, first, that social media is the medium for authenticity. Second, that one could fake authenticity enough to persuade other people to follow their lead. And yet…the tidy, staged, hashtagged little boxes make it so hard to look away.

We’re obsessed with perfection, living our best lives. We are losing touch with reality.

Now for a confession: I read CNN news. This is mostly because it’s convenient, not because I have a huge opinion about what news outlet is best. But now I need to get it off my phone. Does anyone else think cable news is trash? Speaking of losing touch with reality, this week on CNN there was an article about a man who married a hologram (does a hologram not have a choice this day in age?). Under that, an article on the benefits of cuckolding (adultery) in a relationship (is there any quicker way to ruin a marriage?). And always, always an article on Anderson Cooper setting things right in the world (I thought he was just an impartial journalist?). Dear CNN, give me some news other than climate change and Trump rage.

That’s all I’ve got to say about that. It’s 10:30pm and a wise woman once told me that is a great time to go to bed.

So, goodbye 2018! Bring on 2019. 



There once was a young woman named Bernita. She was petite and outwardly demure, her only physical landmark a prominent, aquiline nose. She was a widow and a mother to three grown men. A surprise baby born to her late in life–age forty-five, to be specific–turned her progressive, the wife of a man that gave her no choice in the matter. In public she was tight-lipped; in private, a fiery freedom seeker. Her eyes were still soft and kind, but a mere question could stir up every strong opinion that bubbled just below the surface.

I met her when she was ninety-six. She was fascinating, a sharp and witty time machine. She wore a wig and lived with three tuna-fed cats that defecated regularly on her green carpet, especially when visitors like me stopped by the house. It didn’t matter; she couldn’t smell it or see it. The housekeeper would take care of it in a week’s time. At least there would be fresh vacuum lines. The stagnant odor found a home in the plastic covered gold couches, the gilded, framed cross-stitch “Mother” poem, the dusty shelves of knick knacks. I made it a habit of removing all outerwear–coat, hat, gloves–before entering the front door. Three hours every Tuesday could pick up an aroma that no washing machine could shake out.

We had a general schedule we followed. I would find her in her sitting room, perched atop a hernia donut cushion in a blue recliner. Her feet were always up and she waited for me to release the footrest–she couldn’t reach it on her own. We chatted about the weather and news while CNN blared on the TV not three feet away. After a bit Bernita would remember to turn the volume down. Then she would pat my hand and with a twinkle in her eye say, “I thought we might go for ice cream today.” I’d load up the walker and tuck her in my passenger’s seat, taking care to buckle her gently.

She was almost a doll to me. I had worked for many seniors before her, but she seemed especially fragile and precious. I had the privilege of accompanying her to the manicurist, where they trimmed her nails and plucked her facial hairs. We remained proper–chin whiskers are a pesky matter, not a laughing one. We made trips to the hearing aid specialist and the mall. One day, Bernita convinced me to get my ears pierced. She sat proudly in her wheelchair at Claire’s while I got my first studs. I didn’t care to wear earrings–I just did it to please Bernita.

We traipsed through K*Mart for hearing aid batteries and birthday cards, me bent, fumbling over the controls on the store’s electric wheelchair. She was too busy shopping to bother with learning how to steer it herself. Once a month she would pick up a new compact of powder foundation, classic ivory. The exact foundation I used. Bernita and I, we had the same pale skin and covered our blemishes with chalk dust.

We’d drive to Coldstone, taking our time, smiling at each other over bowls of ice cream, reveling in a regular Tuesday afternoon. Then return to the house for Yahtzee at the formica table. We played hours and hours of it, so much that I dreamed about rolling Yahtzees with Bernita chuckling softly.

I would hug her one more time and leave, incredibly frustrated. What was I doing with my life? I was twenty-four years old with a college degree. How, exactly, could this Yahtzee and manicure nonsense possibly be any good for my future job prospects? Weren’t other twenty-four year olds starting businesses, repping companies, slaying med school, making money? Where was the future in senior care? Even the specialist at the hearing aid place tried to recruit me to work for her!

I couldn’t reconcile it; I loved Bernita. There is nothing holier than holding life gently, treading the space between breath and death. I helped her bathe, I changed her sheets, I organized her closets with the team bowling shirts from 1961. She never asked for me to make a moment special, she just didn’t want to feel lonely on a Tuesday this side of Heaven. Who knew how many Tuesdays she had left.

It really didn’t have anything to do with moving on and up, these three hours a week with Bernita. She couldn’t have offered me a reference or even a line on my resumé. But she let me enter her humble home. She let me in on her whole world, chin whiskers, ear wax, donut pillow, cat poop and all. By just being Bernita, I had to match her pace, an agonizingly slow, seems-like-we’re-not-accomplishing-much-here-today pace. I learned to enjoy eating my ice cream melted. I improved my dice rolling technique.

Bernita made me realize it’s okay to be human. It’s okay to need people. It’s okay to get old.

Those are all pretty good lessons to learn early on, I think. 

Stay for the feast.

I haven’t updated much about our transition back into the public school. We made such a drastic 180 that only now do we have the gift of hindsight.

We traded isolated, rural, big-sky freedom for city chains, if you will. (Anyone who must drive in traffic on the regular knows the gridlocked feeling of despair.)

Before, we didn’t have to answer to anyone. I set my cell phone to silent as to not be disturbed. Now we must call the attendance hotline before 7:30am if a kid wakes up with a fever or runny nose.

A year ago, there were no grades. I simply marked the days of homeschool completed on my calendar. Now there are parent-teacher meetings, evaluations and report cards sent home quarterly.

With homeschool there were stacks and stacks of books piled all over the house, begging to be opened and devoured. Now there are still books, but they lie quiet, waiting for the school bell to signal the end of the day.

We deal with real life junk. My first grader wonders aloud why other kids watch R-rated movies–who is Jason? Who is Freddie? My third grader wants to know if g-a-y is an insult. About once a month we stomp home from school and I do a little emotional triage over cookies and milk.  

There are complaints of homework and school cafeteria lunches. Bullies. Screaming teachers. Boredom. Inside recess. I can add to the list my own concerns: the weird social and political climate, social media, technology, safety.

Am I tempted to homeschool again? Well, it’s crossed my mind.

Last spring as we were wrapping up the homeschool-for-a-year experiment, I picked up a freebie classical curriculum magazine at our church. I was flipping through it, perusing the articles. Inevitably they were all written by homeschooling parents singing the praises of this particular curriculum, specifically at the high school level. I landed on a piece written by a mother who told the story of working tirelessly to prepare a huge feast for Thanksgiving. She was sad and disappointed when the whole family came down with the flu right before the celebration–no one was able to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal! Then she compared the Thanksgiving incident to the act of homeschooling her children. To the author, educating her kids at home through elementary was equivalent to preparing a feast. Giving up on homeschool–sending them into the public scene–once it becomes academically challenging or all-consuming, then, was like forfeiting the culmination of a meaningful, family celebration.

It raised, as many of these Christian homeschool articles do, questions of what if?

What if you only homeschooled your kids for a little bit and then sent them out into the wild world?

How could you prepare your children and not stay to enjoy the feast?

You know what strikes me as interesting? Human nature intensely seeks others who can tell us exactly what we want to hear. We want friends who pat us on the back, who shoot their arrows at the same target. Christian curriculum magazines work in a pinch with their cozy pictures of mothers spending quality time with their children.  But hear me out–planting doubt or ideas of neglect and fear is anything but Christ-like.

I am still on the email list of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). I get weekly updates, and some include contests with lovely writing prompts like, “I’m thankful I homeschool because…”

But there are more scary emails than encouragement. Tales of school districts purposefully “losing” homeschoolers’ paperwork. Incidents involving child protective services. The looming presence of an interfering government.

Surely the association serves a purpose–it is necessary to keep homeschool legal and free. HSLDA offers a service that informs parents and helps them understand their rights in home education their kids. But I wonder if they could go easy on the horror stories.

When I look back on our time spent homeschooling, I am in awe that we ever advanced in our areas of study. Of course we had fun times, too, but daily life was so all-consuming. Every interaction felt like it had a mirror attached to it. Whether they listened obediently or fought me and cried–whatever they did seemed to reflect my overall success as a mom. I was ultimately responsible for not messing them up. Add to this the classical education pressure of producing kids that are exceptional, above average, regular scholars. The weight of it narrowed my worldview. My whole hemisphere was my cul de sac. What works for us today? Nothing else matters.

I think sinking into this feeling of false confidence shocked me into pulling the plug on homeschool. My motivations were all wrong. My perspective was skewed. My rights and freedoms were tangled in a wad of indignation.

To loosen the knots I had to release control over my kids’ education.

I know this sort of thinking might terrify some people. But there is no place God won’t follow your child. He equips and enables. He works everything out for our good and for His glory. Shouldn’t these promises liberate us to set out on our own wild adventure? If we are parenting at home with the Word of God as our life’s template, do we really have anything to fear?

Life isn’t any less intentional now in the public school system. For me, I’d say it is better. It’s richer. The moment to moment stress of keeping small boys engaged has mellowed. Now they have a job: it is to get up and go to school in the mornings. When they come home we have six hours before bedtime for playtime (fighting, don’t get too precious), chores, reading, homework, music, family time, supper.

Some days are really great. Some days aren’t so hot. Just the same as homeschool. No, we’re not perfecting our Latin, memorizing timelines, or milking goats. We’re learning how to be brave and kind in a not-so-kind world. We fail more often than we succeed.

But I hear kids are resilient, and practice makes perfect. I keep praying that our experience in this world, this neighborhood, this school would open our eyes to see people the way Jesus sees them. Love hopes and believes all things.

I want to stay right here. I will drown out the what ifs with my own battle cries: what if we stay? What if we support teachers? What if school standards were raised and we, the community, helped kids reach them?  

I believe He rewards those who earnestly seek him. I intend to stay for the feast.

Christmas waiting.

We don’t celebrate Advent. Call me a slacker Christian, but I don’t even know exactly what it means.  Something about getting ready for Christmas, I think, with a nod in the direction of the second coming of Jesus. Several years ago (out of self-consciousness, possibly the Sunday school variety) I bought a Jesse Tree devotional book for my small children. It is lovely and simple. I’d recommend the book to anyone. It is definitely more wholesome than a dollar store calendar with chocolates–my entire understanding of Advent up until ten years ago.

To tell the whole truth, though, I attempted to make 25 ornaments and read daily devotionals and sing the recommended hymns, but couldn’t summon enough energy in the evenings to make it really count. Plus my husband, bless him, doesn’t sing hymns out loud.

I had enough trouble keeping the tree from getting knocked over by rowdy little boys. Every time it tipped another homemade ornament would shatter on the floor. The rainbow over Noah’s ark, gone. The snake wrapped around the glittery apple, the cute little sheep, Jacob’s ladder–all in the trash. Now when I pull out the ornaments of a December morning there are only odd reminders. A broken red chimney (symbolizing the wall of Jericho or the fiery furnace? I can’t be sure), a purple chipped salt-dough bunch of grapes.

The encouragement to parents to make Christmas “really count” can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back–the one glued to the side of Abraham’s felt tent. For me, elevating ordinary life raises standards that I cannot maintain. It’s a carrot dangling in front of me, an imaginary promise. If I only hustle and say all the right things my kids will turn out and Christmas will be more meaningful.

It’s just not true. Our lives are ordinary, and in this ordinary life there are days when I struggle to prepare frozen chicken nuggets with a hearty side of ketchup for supper. I, a lover of Christmas, decorations, and every holiday on the calendar, stake my claim in the mundane. There is no love, hope, joy, or peace in adhering to traditions as though they give life–particularly around Christmastime.

In the ordinary, we develop habits. In the quotidian we tread paths that, as Christians, should be marked by a self-giving love. I’m not talking about Giving Tuesday or dropping quarters in the red Salvation Army bucket. The words that come out of our mouth, our flexible bank account, our reverence for the garbage man, the gentleness in correcting a child, the patience we exhibit in the Kroger self-checkout lane…(I’m telling you, practicing those last two will break you like a Christmas ornament in the hands of a two year old.) We are capable of maintaining a high love frequency. Everyday love routines speak our hope of His coming.

My friend Alex likes to say “We are people of the towel.” He means this: we follow the example of Jesus. We serve, we wash one another with daily advent encouragement: He is coming.
Being prepared, then, is the goal of habitual training in ordinary life. We make room for Jesus in small and large ways by living. We are only branches, abiding.  

Jesus, who entered into our ordinary in the form of a baby, did not show up to school us in the ways of tradition, as if our parties and Advent readings give us bonus points.
He showed up in the womb of a single teenager when women were stoned for adultery.
The King of all creation arrived, a defenseless infant, in the time of the Roman Empire. As soon as Herod heard the news, he ordered the slaughter of all the baby boys in the region. His family escaped. I can’t imagine they forgot the price other families paid.
He who was with God in the beginning donned a human body. He cried. He learned to walk. He felt hungry. He worried his mother.

Jesus was a refugee, a carpenter. He celebrated, he engaged, he encouraged, he retreated.

He became one of us.

He loved people. 

He was the Christ the Jews had been waiting for for hundred of years. And they crucified Him.

See, my servant will act wisely;
 he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.
Just as there were many who were appalled at him—
his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being
and his form marred beyond human likeness—
so he will sprinkle many nations,
and kings will shut their mouths because of him.
For what they were not told, they will see,
and what they have not heard, they will understand.

Isaiah 52

We are two thousand years out from that baby in a manger, the Son of Man on the cross. We still wait, for the sprinkling of nations, the shutting of kings’ mouths.

We wait and we don’t stop waiting. May our children witness our fervent hope in the mundane, when we put up the tree and when we take it back down. Or in our case, as it gets knocked over.